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The Stadler built Class 88 dual-mode locomotive - Date? Photographer? *2.
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Stadler Presents Class 88 Locomotive for DRS
23 September 2016

Stadler formally launched the new EuroDual bi-mode locomotive for British operator Direct Rail Services (DRS) at InnoTrans on 20 Sep 2016.
Ten of the locomotives, designated class 88 in Britain, are being built by Stadler Rail Valencia's Albuixech plant, which Stadler acquired from Vossloh last year.
The locomotives, financed by Beacon Rail Leasing, were ordered in 2013 and are an electro-diesel development of the earlier Eurolight UK (class 68), 34 of which have now been sold to DRS (via Beacon).
Twenty-five class 68s are now in service.
The new class 88 is a 4MW electric and 708kW diesel locomotive utilizing a CAT C27 engine and ABB traction equipment.
The locomotive has a steel body incorporating monocoque construction.
Stadler revealed at the presentation of the class 88 that a new six-axle dual mode locomotive prototype with a 7MW output in electric mode and 3MW under diesel power is being built at Valencia.
The new locomotive will share some components with the existing Euro4000 design, including bogies, but will feature a new bodyshell design.
Stadler expects the new dual mode locomotive, which will be offered both four and six-axle variants, to replace the Euro 4000 design in the future.
Mr. Neil Bennett, managing director of Beacon Rail Leasing said that Beacon sees dual mode locomotives as a key prospect for growth both in Britain and mainland Europe.
Keith Fender.

*1. Appropriate news article image inserted.
(because there was no image with original article)
*2. Original news article image replaced.
(usually because it's been seen before)
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