The Sheffield 15 horse drawn tram at Crich Tramway Village.
The Sheffield 15 horse drawn tram at Crich Tramway Village - Date? Photographer?
British Broadcasting Corporation
Derbyshire Tram Museum at Crich Celebrates 50 Years
8 July 2013

A Derbyshire tram museum is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a visit from its patron the Duke of Gloucester.
The Crich Tramway Village was established in 1963 to preserve trams, which at the time, were being removed from cities in favour of trolley buses.
The museum now has more than 60 trams in its collection, including models from New York, Berlin, and South Africa.
Like a Toast Rack
Laura Waters, the museum's curator said, "During the 1950s, a movement sprang up to preserve trams, as they were increasingly being replaced by trolley and motor buses. The group were looking for a home and they found this site."
Crich, now a registered charity, holds the national collection of trams.
"The idea of the museum is to illustrate the history of trams from horse and steam trams to the revived systems we're seeing in city centres today," added Ms Waters.
"People can come and ride trams from all over the country, including one that looks like a boat, and one that looks like a toast-rack!"
The Sheffield 15 tram, which the duke will drive, only operates once a year.
Author unknown.

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