Pinzgauer Lokalbahn
Zell am See Austria
N47.320818 E12.796652
The Pinzgauer Lokalbahn (PLB) is a 760 millimeter (about 2 1/2 feet, or 30 inches) narrow gauge railway 53 kilometres (33 miles) long in the state of Salzburg, Austria. The line generally follows the Salzach River from Zell am See to its terminus at Krimml. Besides regular passenger service provided by diesel-electric locomotives a special steam powered day trip travels from Zell am See to Krimml and return during the tourist season. The train ride takes about 2 hours and 40 minutes. Buses carry train passengers from Krimml station to Austria's highest waterfall in Hohe Tauern National Park and back to complete the excursion. The Pinzgauer Lokalbahn is operated by Salzburger Lokalbahn (SLB) which is a network comprised of electrified standard gauge, non-electrified narrow gauge, the Salzkammergutbahn (SKGB), and also the PLB.
The construction of a narrow gauge railway in the Pinzgau region was first proposed in 1889. By 1896, royal approval was formally granted by Emperor Franz Josef and after a two year construction period the line from Zell am See to Krimml officially opened in early January 1898 operated by steam locomotives.
Initially, two sets of passenger trains operated each day. One mixed consist also transported timber and other agricultural goods. Originally all freight had to be separately transferred from narrow gauge to standard gauge wagons at Zell am See. In 1926 transporter wagons (Rollwagen - basically a frame riding on narrow gauge wheels supporting a standard guage car.) were introduced. These rollwagen can be tied together with drawbars to carry even large standard gauge freight cars.
Passenger numbers were favorable from the very beginning, thanks to the scenic appeal of the Krimml waterfall and the development of tourism in the region.
Severe flood damage occurring in 2005 caused Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB), the operator at that time, to reduce services and only run trains on the eastern section between Zell am See and Mittersill. In July 2008 the State of Salzburg took over the Pinzgauer Lokalbahn operation and began rebuilding the western half of the line from Mittersill to Krimml. Freight services were successfully re-introduced in November 2008 to form an important service to the region.
By mid December 2009 regular trains were once again able to run between Mittersill and Bramberg on the first 11 kilometres of rebuilt track. Aside from new CWR (Continuous Welded Rail), and concrete sleepers, four major bridges were rebuilt while warning devices at level crossings were also enhanced. On 12 Sep 2010 the remaining 14 kilometres were rebuilt permitting regular trains to once again operate all the way to Krimml.
Next in 2014, once again the railway was substantially damaged by flooding.
Number: 73.019 / 169
Wheel arrangement: 2-6-2
Gauge: 760 mm (29.9 in.)
Builder: MÁVAG
Built: 1913
Fuel: Coal
Boiler pressure: 12 bar (174 psi)
Cylinder dia: 370 mm (13.8 in.)
Piston stroke: 450 mm (17.7 in.)
Drive wheel dia: 1,110 mm (43.7 in.)
Maximum speed: 60 kph (37.3 mph)
This locomotive bears the identification BHstB 169 (Bosnisch-herzegowinische Staatsbahn) on the right side and JZ 73-019 on the left. The locomotive was built by MÁVAG in Budapest for the Bosnian and Herzegovinian state where it bore the number 169. The locomotive worked between Brod and Sarajevo. After the disintegration of the Bosnian and Herzegovinian state with the change to the state of Yugoslavia in 1954 the engine was identified as JZ, line 73, with the number 019.
It was purchased by Club 760 on 2 Feb 1982 for the Frojach Museum in Austria. The Pinzgauer Lokalbahn was in search of a second, powerful, locomotive for their route from Zell am See to Krimml in addition to their main engine Mh.3. Renovation work commenced in 2009 including a new boiler, closure of the cab with a rear wall, and the installation of a train protection system. After trials and official approval the locomotive arrived on the Pinzgauer Lokalbahn in 2014. The locomotive is the property of Club 760 but the SLB/PLB use it on a long-term lease basis.
Number: Mh.3
Wheel arrangement: 0-8-0
Gauge: 760 mm (29.9 in.)
Builder: Krauss/Linz
Built: 1906
Fuel: Coal
Boiler pressure: 13 atm (191 psi)
Cylinder dia: 410 mm (16.1 in.)
Piston stroke: 450 mm (17.7 in.)
Drive wheel dia: 920 mm (36.2 in.)
Maximum speed: 40 kph (24.8 mph)
As was the custom the series designation Mh is named for Mariazell with "h" representing superheated steam and 3 being the third type of this engine constructed. The locomotive was originally designed for the tight radius curves on narrow gauge mountain railways. Built in 1906 by Krauss in Linz for the Niederösterreichische Landesbahnen (NÕLB) which constructed the Mariazellerbahn and operated it until its takeover by the Federal Railway of Austria (BBÕ) in 1922. The locomotive was then operated by the Deutsche Reichsbahn (DRB) between 1938 to 1945. After the war the Õstliche Staatsbahn (ÕStB) obtained the engine until 1953 when it moved once more to today's Õsterreichische Bundesbahnen or (ÕBB). In 2008 Mh.3 was obtained by the Salzburg Lokalbahn (SLB) for use on the Pinzgauer Lokalbahn (PLB).
The driving axles of Mh series locomotives are fixed in the frame while the second and fourth axles have lateral play. This design permits optimum running on track with tight 80 metre radius curves. The performance is sufficient to move trains up to 120 tonnes at a speed of 30 kph (18.6 mph) over steep mountain grades.
Number: Vs81
Wheel arrangement: B-B
Gauge: 760 mm (29.9 in.)
Builder: Gmeinder
Built: 2007
Fuel: Diesel
Power: 746 kW (1,040 hp)
Drive wheel dia: 680 mm (26.7 in.)
Maximum speed: 80 kph (49.7 mph)
SLB number Vs81 named "Land Salzburg" is a diesel-hydraulic locomotive model D75 BB-SE built by Gmeinder Lokomotivenfabrik GmbH in 2007. Model D75 BB-SE diesel locomotives were developed specially for the Zillertalbahn with delivery beginning in 2004. Two additional locomotives are in service with the SLB Pinzgauer Lokalbahn bearing numbers Vs81 and Vs82. The locomotive is used to pull passenger and goods trains as well as for shunting work. It is equipped with two cabs as well as push-pull controls. If required they can be fitted with metre gauge or standard gauge trucks. The locomotives have a power output of 746 kilowatts (1,040 hp). The permissible maximum speed is 80 kph. For shunting work the locomotives are fitted with a remote control unit.
Gemeinder & Company GmbH based in Mosbach, Germany, emerged from the Badische Motor-Lokomotiv-Werke which was established in 1925. It manufactured narrow gauge track systems, standard gauge locomotives, and mining equipment as well as pinions and rack systems. After 1945 further shunting locomotives were produced and specifically delivered to the Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB). These were supplemented by narrow gauge, diesel-hydraulic locomotives as well as diesel-electric locomotives. In 1976 Gmeinder merged with Kaelble (Backnang) to form Kaelble-Gmeinder GmbH. After the company went bankrupt in 1996 the Gmeinder part was sold to form the Gmeinder Lokomotiven und Maschinenfabrik GmbH. At the end of 2003 the locomotive construction division was sold to an investor and has traded under the name Gmeinder Lokomotivenfabrik GmbH. Diesel locomotives continue to be manufactured and maintained in Mosbach.
The Gmeinder D75 BB-SE is a diesel-hydraulic locomotive. This schematic diagram shows the layout of internal components within the locomotive. The locomotive side, top, and end elevations are shown in this Gmeinder D75 BB-SE drawing.
The Pinzgauer Lokalbahn operates both passenger and freight services between Zell am See and Krimml. This roster lists locomotives (triebfahrzeuge), passenger equipment including railcars (triebwagen), coaches (reisezugwagen), plus freight and service cars (Güterwagen und Dienstwagen).
The winter 2016-2017 and Summer 2017 regular timetable is available here.
The steam timetable for Summer 2017 - Winter 2017-2018 may be found here.
31 Jul 2014 - Flood in Mittersill
5 Dec 2014 - The Pinzgau Track Blocked with Stones
25 Sep 2016 - Car Collides with Pinzgaubahn
24 Aug 2017 - Streets in the Pinzgau are Reserved for the Tri-athletes
Pinzgauer Lokabahn
HOe Models Pinzgauer Lokalbahn
The book will not be made available until 2018.