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8 January 2012

CPR Bassano Station Lift

Hydraulic jacks are used to lift the structure off its foundation - 8 Jan 2012 Cor van Steenis.

 External link Bassano Alberta - Here are a few images from today's activities at Bassano.
The movers raised the east end of the building with 180-foot-long steel beams and hydraulic jacks.
Then they inserted a 50 foot steel cross beam (5039) perpendicular to the blue longitudinal beams.
180-foot-long steel beams are inserted beneath the building - 8 Jan 2012 Cor van Steenis.

Rollers will be inserted tomorrow between the blue beams and the cross beam and the building pulled off of the foundation.
The roof on the upper floor requires two feet cut off to meet power line clearances.
Following that wheel sets will be inserted and on Wednesday at 8:00 am the building will be moved to Beiseker (That date has been cancelled).
The wheel sets used to move the station - 8 Jan 2012 Cor van Steenis.

This should take 5 hours with two tractors pulling and one pushing.
The route will be the Trans-Canada to east of Strathmore, then north on Highway 21 to Highway 9, then west on Highway 9 to Beiseker.

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