12 January 2012
CPR Bassano Station First Move
Bassano station a couple of hundred feet east of its foundation - 12 Jan 2012 Cor van
Bassano Alberta - The station was moved
off its foundation today and now rests on blocks about 200 feet east of the original site.
The movers took the wheel sets off and loaded them onto a semi-trailer for another project.
Foundation concrete has been removed, except the foundation wall along the tracks, and the hole is being backfilled.
The date for the move over Alberta Highways to Beiseker is scheduled for some time in February but that date appears to be somewhat fluid.
Come back later and there should be more updates to this story.
Cor van Steenis.
Loading wheel sets - 12 Jan 2012 Cor van Steenis.
Back filling old foundation - 12 Jan 2012 Cor van Steenis.