Number 7 Tunnel above Yale is 1 of 13 tunnels within 17
miles of the town - Circa 1901 Photographer unknown.
The Inland Sentinel 18 May 1882
Railway Construction

Things along the line of railway from Lytton to a point 12 miles above Yale presents a busy scene of activity.
Work is being pushed at all points connected therewith for an early completion of railway construction.
Mr. Onderdonk with his staff of Engineers and Division Superintendents has been busily engaged at several points between Boston Bar and Kanaka flat in laying out work for the summer operations.
Teams are met on the wagon road in large numbers loaded from the 12 mile flat with plant and provisions for the work of this great undertaking.
Mile after mile along the course of the winding Fraser enclosed in the narrow dale beneath the clad mountains are seen clusters of tents and hoards of Chinese who seem to owe their existence to the work of railway construction more than to the wealth of the land.
White labor is employed on the most dangerous and difficult points, precipices which overhang the line of route through the canyons are progressing fairly onward to completion.
All work indicates, favorably that the whistle of the iron horse will be heard echoing through the canyons of the Fraser this fall.
Author unknown.

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provisions in Section 29 of the Canadian
Copyright Modernization Act.