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Bill Deaver hands over the cart to Doug Pickard - Date? Billy Deaver.
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21 July 2010
A Historic Southern Pacific Railroad Baggage Cart

A historic Southern Pacific Railroad baggage cart from the old Mojave Railroad Depot was loaned to the Tehachapi Depot Railroad Museum last week.
Bill Deaver, at left in the photo, president of the Mojave Transportation Museum Foundation, handed over the cart to Doug Pickard, president of Friends of the Tehachapi Depot.
The cart will be on display at the Tehachapi Depot until a museum is built in Mojave.
The cart was "rescued" from the Mojave Depot in the 1960s by the late Milton Smith, who was the editor/publisher of the Mojave Desert News at the time.
Deaver and his wife Billye have been storing it ever since.
Author unknown.

*1. Appropriate news article image inserted.
*2. Original news article image replaced.
News quoted by OKthePK website under the
provisions in Section 29 of the Canadian
Copyright Modernization Act.